The Bachelor of Innovation


My degree is from a one-of-a-kind program at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, called the Bachelor of Innovation. This unique degree program emphasizes real world experience, an interdisciplinary mindset, and most importantly, teamwork. It is a project heavy program, where I was constantly challenged to think on my feet and make the best of difficult situations, but these challenges have been instrumental in shaping who I am today.

Innovation Teams


In my opinion, the most interesting, challenging, and effective class in the BI is the “Teams” class. This class is a semester long group project where we work with real world client. The clients and projects are different each time around, and they are often interdisciplinary in nature, forcing us to branch out of our comfort zones and work with peers with entirely different backgrounds and skill sets. BI students take a variant of this class three times before graduating, each time with increased responsibilities until they finally lead a team. These projects can be very difficult, and they often require adaptation and present difficult leadership decisions, but they are easily my favorite part of this degree.


On my second time taking this class, in the Spring semester of 2020, there was a shortage of team leaders, so I volunteered to lead early. I had an fairly large and experienced team at my back, and a my client proposed a project that involved UI design, one of my interests, so I thought I was prepared to take on the semester. I was not. One of my team members dropped the class almost immediately, another was unfortunately forced to withdraw early on. I was had only two team members left, one with no UI design experience at all, and both were taking the class for the first time. I was forced to significantly limit the scope of the project, and work especially closely with my remaining members, since there would usually be more experienced members on the team to help mentor them. We took a hit, but we were surviving, and then March of 2020 rolled around, and everything was thrown into chaos. I made a lot of mistakes on that project, and I am still disappointed with what we were able to deliver, but I know I grew tremendously from that project.

My Teams Projects

  • Pine Creek Custom Homes RFID Project (Spring 2019)

    We explored applications of RFID technology in a relatively free form project. We dealt with some setbacks involving faulty hardware and our inexperience with the technology, but overall this project was a wonderful chance to get used to working with a team over a long period of time, and a cool opportunity to get hands on with a piece of technology I was unfamiliar with.

  • Educational Observation Tool Protoype (Spring 2020)

    I lead this team to build a Lo-Fi prototype of an application that would be used by an observer to track the social emotional learning of students in an elementary classroom. While my UI/UX development skills were lacking at the time, I am proud to have volunteered to lead this team through an especially difficult semester for all of us. The Lo-Fi prototype we designed can be found here.

  • National Cybersecurity Center Video Project (Fall 2020)

    This team produced three short video presentations on the history of cryptology, and an additional video showcasing the mission of the NCC. I think we absolutely nailed this one, we met every goal we set out for, and left the client very happy. This is some of my proudest work in this portfolio, and you can watch the videos we produced and our final presentation here.