Software Development


Märzen Group


Over the summers of 2018 and 2019, I did a paid internship at Märzen Group, a small consulting business in Nashua, New Hampshire. I focused mostly on GUI design using C# and MVVM, though I still wouldn’t call myself an expert in either.


Computer Science


My degree is in Digital Media, but I started out in Computer Science. While my focus has changed, I still have some Comp Sci skills under my belt. I tend to find that my background in Comp Sci comes in handy in a variety of situations, from helping me understand the tools I use, to giving me a plenty of experience in breaking down complex problems.


Game Jams


Many of my friends in college majored in Game Design, so I got roped into a few Game Jams throughout my time at UCCS. We never did very well, the games we built are not included here because I promise they are not worth playing, but these Game Jams were a fun and worthwhile experience regardless.