Welcome to my Portfolio!
My Personal Statement
Growing up, I would start countless spur of the moment projects. I wanted to write a book, draw a comic series, learn guitar, build a robot. These projects were inevitably abandoned almost immediately, I didn’t have the discipline or attention span to keep up with myself, especially not when something new and exciting was always right around the corner. I haven’t changed much since then. I still jump from project to project, interest to interest, only now, I don’t treat them as a one-off distractions anymore. Now I appreciate every new thing I try as a skill I am developing. Every new skill is a new world, a vast body of knowledge and experience for me to dip my toes into, and even if they don’t all result in a career or lifelong passion, there is value in seeing these new perspectives.
Throughout my experience at UCCS, as well as my internship with Marzen Group, I have honed my hobby for picking up new skills into a more analytical approach. I began to note the similarities and differences between developing software and developing a physical product or telling a story in writing or film. All the individual fields I had touched on began to connect and intertwine with each other to form a deeper, more complex understanding of how people learn and interact with their world. I found myself applying advice I picked up for programming to audio engineering, and using lessons learned in film-making in user interface design.
I still have a lot more to learn about everything, but I have found that the connections between ideas, skills, and other things are more important than the individual elements. Those connections are what I want to bring to my work going forward.